

Physical training should be catered to the individual you are trying to serve, this isn’t a one size fits all approach as nothing really is in life.

We all have our own needs and desires for health and fitness so when working with a client each program is designed based upon a body evaluation. With this evaluation a client is put through range of motion test for each joint cavity, strength test, body fat test, measurements, and it is required to have full blood work/physical done through your doctor within the last 3 months prior to starting training.

When a person is looking to start training with me for whatever their reasons are I remind you that I am here to help you grow from the space you are because getting to that next space for your own personal goals just needs some assistance from another. I will add that fighting me on homework doesn’t fly with me and certain things are expected from each client based upon their own goals they set with me. To achieve great things in one’s own life it takes a great deal of work even on the days we don’t want to put it in.